Have you ever felt stuck, you know, ‘stuck like chuck’? That is such a silly saying. I don’t know where it comes from or who the heck Chuck is, so I should probably Google it. If anyone knows, please share your knowledge with me!

Have you ever felt stuck, you know, ‘stuck like chuck’? That is such a silly saying. I don’t know where it comes from or who the heck Chuck is, so I should probably Google it. If anyone knows, please share your knowledge with me!
All my kiddos are grown up and off living life. When my youngest went off to the Service - God gave me two bonus kiddos to keep me distracted for a couple of years. Once the bonus kiddos flew the nest, I felt lost.
Has anyone else ever felt that way?
Life was rapidly changing, and my purpose felt lost. I have been playing the mom roll since I was 15 years old (small town life). So, if I have ever sounded like your mom - that is why - the mom identity runs deep in this one (LOL)!
Unfortunately, when the identity that you are wrapped up in (#daughter, #wife, #mom, #business owner, #friend) shifts, you can feel like you’ve lost who/what you are. That is exactly the dilemma I faced.
Caring about someone else’s wants, needs, dreams, even what time the “car rider line” started at school had been my sole focus for years.
Looking back, I tried hard to be a “good mom”, whether during the moments with a rambunctious toddler or cranky teen. One of our teenagers could not wait to leave home and had an actual count down timer on the home screen of the computer - haha!
Most times, I felt like a giant failure. Have you ever had one of those events where you just struggled and thought you sucked in the moment, but everything turned out okay? Well that was my parenting journey. It was a blend of “I am killing it!” to “I’m gonna kill someone!” to “Please God, I hope no one gets killed!”
After all my babies sprouted wings and I had no daily mom role, I was totally stuck (like Chuck)! What did I do you may ask? At first, I wallowed in it, becoming sad and depressed. My poor hubby tried to support me but what do you do for someone who feels lost? You give them time and be patient as they figure out where to go next.
To be frank about things, it has taken me far longer than I expected to get back in the driver's seat, grab The Wheel and begin to head in a specific direction. Finding a new identity was much harder than I realized it would be. Finding your purpose will be a trial and error event for certain. The fact that you are reading this makes you part of my “trial”. I am trying it all.
I believe purpose comes in many different forms and we each have one. I truly believe there is a purpose and plan for all of us even though it may not always be the same thing. I know we are all called to create, serve, and change our little corner of the world - if not the whole thing!
So today, if you feel lost, don’t give up. Keep exploring, adventuring and surrounding yourself with people that can help you dream and get unstuck. We all need each other, and my prayer is that this blog, the website and podcast become a place where we can encourage, love, and support each other as we journey down this highway we call life. See ya later Chuck!